Lali's World

By Lali

A different perspective 5

From this perspective, this tree trunk makes me think either of a giant creature punching the ground making it crack, or a really hungry giant anteater trying to suck the ground hoping for some ants to come up! Maybe I've read too many fantasy books, I don't know! Hahahaha!

Never mind. Pretty dull and long day today. Nothing of much interest happening really.

There was a passage in the book I'm reading that put a smile on my face today. I'll quote it for you: "...cooks in Zen monasteries were chosen on the basis of their achievement in their meditation, as it was thougth that the quality of energy used in the preparation of the food entered the food and affected those who ate it (a disturbing thought, perhaps, for those who frequent fast food outlets)." (what about those who have eaten in Gordon Ramsay's restaurant? Hmmm... I wonder... Hahahaha!)

Sorry. I'm in a bit of a silly mood. Maybe just too tired.

Back to work tomorrow. Only two days to go till my day off!!!!

Thanks very much for all your comments, I really appreciate them. I hope you all had a great Friday and that you have a fantastic weekend! :)

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