Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Newly Hatched.

I don't drink 'normal' coffee and rarely drink decaff coffee but today I needed 2 cups to get me through the day.

Although we got home from Glasgow around 1.30am and I had a lie in until 7am, that wasn't nearly enough sleep to handle the day unaided.

At school, Mr B noticed that one of the eggs a broody hen had been incubating, had hatched this morning.

By the time he took me to see the chick another two had hatched.

Yay, the School Chickens have chicks!

Claire and I went back to school at 6pm to help move mother hen and her chicks to their own nest box so that they could be left in peace.

Claire had her last transition day at high school today and all seemed to go well.
She was fairly chuffed that she made a pencil holder in Techie today.

I was very impressed that she coped with being in a workshop.

So we are now the proud owners of a simple but stylish pencil holder.

Here is one of the three school chicks with his/her egg tooth still in place on the beak.

So cute.

Have a good weekend.

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