Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Lipstick. Powder and Paint

Challenge with the gang this week was " Lipstick, Powder and Paint "

Me and my red lipstick are like siamese twins, the only time we were separated was when I was in ICU for 9 days ( apparently the nurses don't see make up as a priority when you're in multi organ failure )

So here it is. I would have done a photo of me gurning and looking every inch the tired Friday night lady that I am stunning self portrait but the camera died this morning. Instead you have iphoneography with effects to disguise the fact that
1 : I am no beauty pagent winner this evening and 2: I am no beauty pagent winner with a Snowden award for photography skills this evening !!!!

I would chat more but a little birdy told me that my favourite ever band of all time are on TV tonight headling at Glasto so I must love you and leave you. Off round to a friends to watch Mr Bono of Bononess strutt his stuff and seranade me. Will catch up with you all later.


PS thank you SO much for spotlight yesterday, I really wasn't expecting it as the shot was a very quick mid run one. You are all wonderful and supportive and fab really.

Lucy's challenge blip

Kate's challenge blip

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