An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

St. Paul Station

I decided not to ride my bike this morning. Really haven't ridden much this week. So while I was switching light rail trains, I blipped the reflection of some folks rushing to work. I took several shots. See more here. Every one rushing. Few looking around. I "know" many of these people. Well not really know. I don't know their names or if they are married or if they have any kids or if they are in good health. I do know they routinely take the same train that I do into Dallas. I do know which seat they always sit in. I do know if they are friendly or if they laugh loudly or if they yell when they talk on their cell phone. So what I know is not really important. But sometime, I bump into one of these folks outside of the train world. It can be somewhat startling to see them eat ice cream or drink a pint or hold one of their kids.

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