400 Days .............

I was reminded that its 400 days to the Olympics start so I decided that it was about time that I took a shot from the other side of the countdown.

Apache is much better his voice is now probably 10% so you can hear him, he's hungry and demanding food plus he's running up and down the stairs so I think I can safely say he's on the mend, and the liquid anti bliotic is fantastic and he eats his food as though there isn't anything in it - result!! D on the other hand ate some rice which was off (he didn't notice the smell!!) and now he's ill but hopefully he'll be ok in 24 hours.

Finally my holiday photos are up to date now the comments start............. oh and as you can see I never managed to clean my sensor properly *sigh* so its looking like Nikon will have to do it for me :(

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