All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan's first haircut!

I was a very tired mummy today. After getting home at 2am last night from the Take That concert, I only managed 3 hours sleep before Ethan woke up at 6.30am. Took me back to the early baby days when I walked around like a zombie!

Found out hubbie had a dreadful evening last night with Ethan and ended up putting him to bed before 6pm without a bath! Ethan was clearly knackered as he went to sleep without a fuss so actually had a mammoth sleep last night. Shame it coincided with the least amount of sleep I've had for months!

We still had a nice mummy & Ethan day today though. He had great fun at his swimming class this morning and was laughing and splashing lots. We then whizzed round Sainsbury's - he managed to stay awake in the trolley this week! Home for lunch, then he napped in the car while we drove in to Edinburgh for our hairdressers appointment.

My parents met us there, so they could take Ethan for a walk while I was getting my hair cut. My sister and baby Eden also popped in so Mandy, the hairdresser, could meet Eden. And Ethan got his first haircut! Rather than sit him in front of the mirror, Mandy wheeled the chair to the front of the shop, so Ethan could look out the window. He loved watching and pointing at all the traffic. It was a great distraction, so she was able to cut his hair with no fuss from him. And he looks very smart now with his new "do". And I have his hair clippings to keep as a memento too. Cute!

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