Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Big Day

and what a day.

Up extra early this morning as Claire was going to the High School for the first transition day. I didn't sleep much last night thinking about all the things that could/would happen.

After a little misunderstanding at the start of the day, Claire went off to school and I went to work.

I was a little bit uptight today, so much so that the scissors I was using this afternoon had to be prised gently removed from me before I caused any damage to anyone or thing.

With Claire's day over her thoughts were the visit was good and bad.

Good things
Aunties and Uncles were friendly.
Home Economics, because the teacher baked scones and gave them out for break
The PSE teacher was nice.
The Stovies were delicious at lunchtime.

Bad things
Corridor crushes made her claustrophobic
Had to carry her coat around with her
Realisation that she's a little fish in a BIG pond

In my book, that's more good that bad, so I'll give that a tentative thumbs up.

In the evening, Claire and I visited Eve to deliver her birthday present.

She's 3 no 4 no 6....well she's not quite sure what age but age is just a number.

The Birthday Girl was in good humour and had lots of lovely presents to open. She had spent the morning at Nursery for her induction.

When asked how it went she said 'fine'. So clearly the stock answer starts early.

And somewhere in all of today I found an opportunity to remember that it's our 15th Wedding Anniversary.

How can it possibly be as long as that? Well, I was a child bride.

Mr G left Yeovil around 6pm this evening and is currently only 250 miles from Carnoustie.

The lengths some people will go to to see Take That in concert at Hampden tomorrow night!

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