Jim- Happy Again!

By dougiebuster

Sweet Baby James...

The man himself.
James Taylor.
We went to see him at the Playhouse in Edinburgh doing his 'One Man Tour'.
We saw him last year in Glasgow, and the show was almost identical - just brilliant!
His songs mean so much to us both, having lived with them for most of our lives.
Hearing him sing them live is incredible.
I cried more than once.

My sister Beth (Wester Ross) really wanted to go to this concert, but she was already booked to do a wedding. She would have loved it.

Brother in Law Robert was 60 today - Congatulations to him!

Liz's Dad David is 80 tomorrow - Well done you old codger!

Aint life just amazing!

Good night everyone!


PS - catch my updated entries from our wee holiday!
Loch Awe.

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