Flood the World Deep in Sunlight.....

First up, to any Travellers who Blip. I apologise.

Life on the open road. The romance, the freedom, the knowledge that the world is your lobster and you can go anywhere, and do anything.

Pack up you life in your vehicle and drive to your next destination. The variety of work, of people, of new friends, of countries.

Really? No.

When I arrived at work, and discovered the gates locked, and our rear delivery entrance full of caravans and rather attractive cars, my heart sunk.

The police had advised the gate be locked. It could be opened to let people out, but not in. A security company came to guard the gate 24/7. After the weekend, bags of rubbish started piling up on the "Office" side of the building.

The pathway to the office are becoming littered with empty food boxes, discarded toys, clothes and other junk.

One of the dogs belonging to the travellers has decided to be a guard dog, and woufs ferociously at anyone coming in.

When the gate was first locked, I was subjected to phone calls, ranting about "exit in case of emergency"; that's not the case, now they have parked their Beamers and Four x Fours over the gate, so that now our suppliers can't gain access.

I tried to reconcile myself with the type of life style they wanted.

There's a caravan park about 1 mile from us, but am told that they won't pay for land - they "have a right".

So they find empty spaces of land and park there. That would be fine, were they not leaving their litter and rubbish all over the place.

As i stood in the rain yesterday waving to customers on the roadside, who were coming to visit, I was approached by one of the children.

"Can I use your toilet", she asked.

"No", I said.

"Why not?" She answered.

"Because we are not a public convenience" I said.

"I won't tell" She said.

"nope", I said.

"What is it you do in there?" She enquired?

"I don't understand so I doubt you will". I said.

"If you don't understand, what do you do?"

"The accounts" I said.

"All day? Every day? She asked?

"Yes", I said, "and then I go home, to my family".

And she shook her head in disbelief, and wandered off.

Why did that leave me feeling bad?

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