Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Today was not a great day because of IT issues! My laptop didn't seem to want to work at the pace that I wanted, so whilst waiting I went for some fresh air out in the garden.

The garden brings back some good memories for me of my grandfather and uncle, I wish I had green fingers like them. I try my best and fill my garden with colour to brighten up the place, this flower is just one of many different colours that I have. Today I was also able to harvest some of the lettuces that I've been growing, it's a good feeling to see something grow from nothing and know that you had something to do with it.

My other memories of the garden is that it a place of solitude, somewhere to think and be free, and at certain points in my life it is what I needed. Today was just one of those moments, and I was glad to see the colour which brightened my mood after being frustrated for most of the day.

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