Daunti's world

By daunti

Nap Time

My life today was comsumed with doing wash. For some reason and I am still trying to figure it out, my daughter just refuses to do her own wash. She is nineteen. She will actually buy more clothing instead of washing her clothes. I actually think its been close to three weeks since she has done her wash. I was waiting to see how long this was going to last. I'm trying to teach her to be responsible but it's not working. Actually she is responsible but just not with the wash or keeping her room clean. At her job she is very responsible and very loyal.
We are going to the beach for a long weekend and she needs clothing to pack. She asked me nicely last night if I would please do her wash for her because her schedule at work is pretty crazy this week with lots of overtime and she didn't have the time. I am on summer break from school and have the time so I said I would, (best mom ever). She does do alot for me. It ended up being five loads and I probably have two more to do tomorrow. Kinda crazy.

She did promised me she would not let it get so out of hand again. I've heard that before. Maybe next time I will charge her, she can afford me...

Now to my photo... after doing five loads of wash and taking a two mile walk with my husband this is me taking a well deserved nap.

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