100% Hasco

By Hasconero

Picture It

I've been pranking some colleagues for a couple of weeks now.
My team shares an office with another department and they have an intern at the moment. She writes down her office schedule on a whiteboard, with her name on top.

One day, when everybody had gone home, I replaced her name with a picture puzzle. The next day, I enjoyed listening to the people speculating about who made that picture puzzle. After a few days, they wiped away the puzzle and wrote down the intern's name again.

So, I came up with a new way to spell the intern's name in pictures, pretended to go home when people were still there, came back when everybody had gone home and replaced the name with a new picture puzzle. And again, enjoying the the people trying to figure out who the hell's made a puzzle again.

This has been going on for the past month now and still, nobody in the office has a clue I'm the culprit. Yesterday, I made the fourth version of the intern's name. I snapped a quick pic of it today.

Oh and the puzzle doesn't work in English, by the way, so don't break a sweat trying to solve it. The intern's name is Simone Vogel.

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