Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Bag Lady

Never one to come up with my own ideas, I thought I'd spill the contents of my bag too!

As someone commented on LLP's entry, this is the same as looking through windows and studying someone's fridge (I still open my Mum's fridge to have a look inside within the first 5 minutes of arriving at her house - not to eat anything, just to see what she's got).

I love the minutae of people's lives. My favourite question is 'what are you having for your tea', I like to picture people standing at their cookers doing their very ordinary thing, in a world of their own.

The best thing about LLP's blip today is trying to figure out where everything came from and when it was shoved into the bag. What things are important and what things were put there absent mindedly. Which things will be used in the next few days and which things will still be in the bag next month.

I love all that stuff. I can't help it. Nosey? Yes. Curious? Yes. Interested? Definitely.

Let's all do this on the 21st of the month! It can forever be known as Blip Bag Day!

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