The Longest Day

So does that mean last night or tonight is the shortest night? My money is on last night. Lil took a turn for the worse which culminated in her temperature peaking at 40.1C about 2am. Fortunately the ibuprofen kicked in very quickly and I was finally able to go to sleep around 2.30.

Bella and Ally were delighted about it this morning though, as it meant they could go to school on their own early for breakfast club. I find it sad that a school needs to run such a scheme because there are parents/guardians who does not give a toss are unable to send their children to school with a decent breakfast. Anyway, my 2 were ecstatic because they not only had a boring and healthy breakfast at home, they then had WAFFLES!!! I am assuming they are the sweet sickly variety rather than potato waffles but then with my 2 you never know!

The sun finally decided to make an appearance so I dragged Red out into the garden where we tidied up all the toys and debris from the winds of the past few days, cleaned (properly with water and everything) the chicken house and planted some lavenders I bought yesterday. I say "we" but actually I did all of it and he just mooched about...

Lily perked up as the day went on so by the time I dragged them all out to Brownies she was well up for being No1 helper and proceeded to eat her own body weight in cake mix and icing - no wonder her tummy was hurting at bedtime.

To round off the longest day, Ben has just rung to say he is at the airport and checked in - this time yesterday he was expecting to have to stay out another week so this is an enormous Brucey Bonus :-D

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