Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


We missed our train to Delhi. We left Rishikesh for Haridwar (27km) in an auto an hour and a half before our train was due to leave, and arrived three hours later. Whoops! So we had a lot of time hanging around outside Haridwar train station deciding what to do, and there were plenty of kids who wanted photos.

Although we could have got on the next train to Delhi in general class, or got a local bus, Duncan persuaded me that a taxi would be a great idea. So at 8pm, we got into a taxi that took us the 200km to Delhi for 4200Rs!

The driver stopped off to pick up his friend, and all the way to Delhi they played loud Indian music and talked, as well as driving on the dirt at the side of the road and going over bumps so fast that I hit my head on the roof! We arrived at 2am and found a cheap room for the night - took us long enough!

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