Steve's Daily Pic

By Smorgan

More Hometown History

An early Hollywood film that was shot here. I confess I have never seen it, I guess I will have to watch it, just to see what the town looked like back then. I was around for the filming of 2 other movies, however. One was filmed when I was about 14 yrs old. It was called Emperor of the North and starred Ernest Borgnine and Lee Marvin. They needed a 1930s railroad train for the movie and Cottage Grove was had a well known one (called the "Blue Goose").

The 2nd movie that I was around for was "Animal House". It was a well known movie in the US and is a bit of a cult classic now. It starred the late, great, John Belushi and Kevin Bacon. It was filmed partly in Eugene at the University of Oregon and partly in Cottage Grove. The famous parade scene was filmed on downtown main street in C.G. (you can see teenaged me leaning against a wall in one shot of the parade scene)

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