Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Soggy doggies

Thank you so much to everyone who wished me a Happy 200th Blipday yesterday. And thank you so much for all your comments, favourites and stars which have put me onto the spotlight page every single day for the last week.

Today it has been raining all afternoon so Ozzy and I asked if we could go to the river for our walk. Swimming and splashing around in the water is one of our shared interests. And we thought that as the rain was going to make us wet anyway, we might as well get properly wet.

We walked and played for more than an hour and didn't meet a single other person or dog. We often wonder what happens to all the other doggies when it rains - do they just not get a walk?????? I get at least two walks a day, whatever the weather.

However, Ann says nothing smells worse than a soggy doggie ............................ except two soggy doggies!!!!!!!

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