Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


All the clearing up is complete and the house is more or less back to normal after last night's wine tasting. "Normal" except that we have various bottles of partly consumed wine left on our hands. In the absence of certain friends (on holiday in Scotland) who might have been prevailed upon to help with the consumption, I had to do a little towards the "waste not want not" philosophy of life. Then I thought that I should share a little wine with my friends on it really there or is it an illusion? (It's not there now of course!)

Had a lovely time earlier. By friend BJ came over and we walked about 4 miles "around the block". You nearly had a poppy blip to see. Everything is very lush now, with the grasses at their absolute best in the fields nearby. The yellowhammers were singing lustily and we were able to see them easily once we heard their song.

This evening there were 2 greater spotted woodpeckers on the nuts together and one in the tree, waiting his/her turn (they are too juvenile to know the difference yet).

Will be walking in the Cheviots tomorrow.

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