The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Trainee Butterfly

Well the good news is that we had a fine evening out yesterday and there was no over-indulgence on the food or drink front; just a very pleasant evening with friends and enjoyment of a superb meal.

Today's blip ignores the array of Father's Day cards I received from my two children, nor the cocoa-based confectionery provided as breakfast (highly recommended). The two caterpillars shown here are among five that arrived yesterday, having been ordered from a birthday gift Alex received recently.

The more observant will note that the shot consists mainly of caterpillar poo but the creatures are the subject of the shot and intended to see if we can follow their progress over the next couple of weeks to becoming butterflies.

We've been out today to commit a fortune in a replacement carpet and sofa for the lounge so it won't be too long before the lounge refurbishment is completed.

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