
By Frontier


Being with friends is the best thing. I love them so much. It is so deep within my system to be connected with people. Despite this yearning, it does not hold any credence with the ultimate truth of transience. The thought of losing my friends and my deeply loved ones creates a deep utter fissure within my heart. My soul is laid bare with vulnerability and somehow I just want to close the wound with a quick solution.

This may seem relatively close with the feeling of having broken up with someone or being separated from a friend through means of moral conflict. Although the pain is deep, after due course it is healed and things progress. Some people are torn apart while others just fade away. Both are sad in their own right and it hurts just to know that the beautiful moments you share with friends are so easily blown away by the winds of progress.

I remember my friends and I remember the great times I had growing up (which I still am). Those small, nigling, insignificant problems that felt like the world on your shoulders and the times of triumph where friends truly confirmed your existence; all gone in the blink of an eye. The first love, the first friend, the first enemy that afterwards become a friend, just seem so insignificant and what is more difficult to comprehend, is to find a solid framework for truth.

I suppose through these rants / musings / wankings or meaningless-ness, the truth is, the tides keep rolling on. The people keep passing through, the love keeps evolving and the love of existence keeps growing.

You can never be true, only in the search for it.

These are the people leaving Toyota Stadium after a massive game with Samurai Blue, the awesome national team. Oh how I love this country.

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