
By spitzimixi

wild and windy

this view disappeared shortly after I bagged it this morning - the boys were already mowing round the edges and, as I walked away, their dad came with the tractor to mow the middle. Now, looking out of the window, I can see the mown stubble and the rows of cut grass.

This morning started at weekday time rather than Sunday time - the dog woke me, he was making strange whining noises, so I assumed something terrible had happened.
It had. He was bored.
So, after letting him free to romp in the garden I switched on coffee machine and laptop and did two hours work before any signs of life appeared from upstairs. It's a good way to start the day and I'm amazed by how much nicer 6am is on Sundays than it is on Mondays.

Once two littles turned up (should stop calling them that, they're enormous these days) I'd got the breakfast ready and we toddled off for a wild and windy walk with dog and camera. We went up to our forest and tidied up the memorial a bit - cue usual conversation about dead people and nasty murderers etc. Then on round the fields and back home to boiled eggs and fresh bread and yogurt.

The early start meant I've got loads done today - even cut some more grass for hay.

Now I have to put in a good deal more work so that I'm ready for the workshop I'm speaking at and contributing to tomorrow - hopefully will find some peace and quiet later.

Children are making cake.

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