Sign of Desperation?

Desperation being Blipless?

In nearly 900 blips I have managed to avoid Blipping myself (ok maybe I have featured my ugly mug once or twice)

Clearly living in the Mountains might be having an effect on me.....

Plaid Shirt... Check
Facial hair.....Check
Lying on the freshly cut idea why! (well I was actually taking a picture of a tree but didn't like it and it's getting dark now so I've went for a shot of myself....the tree shot must have been terrible!!)

Mum I am sorry I haven't shaved since we last spoke on Skype and you were horrified by the facial fuzz...... I've never tried growing a beard before and it's just something you should try at least once in your life...... just ask half the women in the Blue Mountains!

P.S Happy Fathers Day Dad and yes I know I need a hair cut.......

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