I am rosco

By iamrosco

Time for a (well deserved) chill

Had an important deadline today and, after a week or two of busy evenings, we hit it. It did require a plastic bag to get the cargo safely (and dry) to the post box at the end of the street, but that's par for the course with Edinburgh summers. With a bit of luck there should be some folk turning up on the day...but we'll see.

Quick jaunt to pick up crappy prints I did the other day*, and get some supplies for dinner, and we came across this sightseer having a bit of a rest. If that was me, I'd've** looked for somewhere with a bit more shelter - the rain didn't stop all day, but at least it wasn't cold.

An evening with T surveying photos from his day, some decent ones to show for all the darkroom time (luckily), followed up by some risotto, Sepp and attempted high-brow chat (before it quickly descended into poo stories and lowered from there). Finished off the night with a retro-throwback 2-player of WipEout HD Fury, reminiscing the Annfield Drive days of the original PS and original WipEout - still getting thoroughly wooped, to complete the reminiscing.

Link for today:
Nice HTML5 game - Music Can Be Fun. And it's good to see a Flash developer moving on, huzzah

* one of them was actually quite good - totally unexpected
** that's probably a word

p.s. WDC coming soon

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