Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Gardening At Night

Oh I do like to use a good song title as my Blip title.

I don't really garden at night but I did want to show off my lovely new solar powered garden lights!

I bought them at the beginning of the week and took a lot of trouble attaching them to the wrought iron fence inbetween ours and next doors gardens. That night I was a real curtain twitcher, waiting for my glorious lights to spring into action but they didn't and I was so disappointed. I mention the lights to a work colleague the following day and she said that the solar panel can take quite a few hours to charge up the batteries and not to lose heart. So the next evening, I was curtain twitching again and the lights kicked into action about 10.30pm. They looked so fab that, although I do find it hard to get the kids to bed during these light Summer nights, I actually woke Lewis up to look at the lights!! Then I was paranoid that somebody would steal them and they were a bit of a beacon inviting the odd thief out there to do just that. So, where to put them? Graham came up with this brain wave of attaching them to the inside of the privet hedge where we can see them but passers by can't. Genius! So, I spent another age unfastening them from the wrought iron fence and then attaching them to the privets. That evening, they didn't work yet again! I ran out and messed with the wiring and they eventually came on in all their glory. So it's been quite a journey to get these up and running. Some people might think they're as naff as garden gnomes but I think they're lovely. Viva Argos!!

The boys spent their pocket money at the pound shop today and ended up with cap guns. They actually work and are fairly lethal if there are any light robbers out there reading this...

You know my night shots are pretty bad...still no tripod....I had to hold the camera as still as possible for 3 seconds, hence the blurring!

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