
By photoscene

Smoking Kills!

These are one of the things that annoy me most in life!
Around 2 billion people in the world smoke! D:
About a 1/3 of all adults smoke!
Isn't that just disgusting?!

Thousands of people die each year from smoking related illnesses!
Passive smoking is just as harmful!

I'm one of those people that cough loudly when going past a smoker.

My mother smokes, and the only reason we argue is about cigarettes.
She's also very ill and this just adds to it!
At the moment she has a chest infection from smoking!
These are hers which I've taken away from her in the last few days.
She lies about it the WHOLE time! She promises she won't smoke.
We even got her NHS counselling sessions, and brought her expensive patches/ inhalators to help her stop!
Nothing works!!!!


I know that they're addictive, but some people could try so much harder to give up!
It really bugs me that they'd prefer to be killing themselves, than kick the habit!

I don't understand how people can WANT to smoke!

Recently, I've noticed how many people at school have started to smoke.
We've watched all those videos about smoking, alcohol and drugs, yet half of my year still think it's okay to do it.
A few of my friends have started, and it really frustrates me!

I'm sorry if this offends some of you, and I understand that it is a hard habit to kick, but it really annoys me when people don't seem to care or try to stop.


Sorry for the rant!

On a lighter note, I got one of my best friends Graciiie to join blip :)

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