
is totally the best medicine :)

Except when you decide to have a drink of juice and still can't stop laughing and it comes back out of your nose.... which just makes mummy laugh even more, sorry Ben!!

I discovered today that I can actually curl up on the sofa downstairs while Ben's watching a DVD and sort of go to sleep, and Ben has at last learnt not to disturb me if I'm asleep!! So I slept, kinda, most of the morning in one place or another, changing nappies where necessary and refilling cereal bowls and juice beakers.

Ben went to bed pretty late last night. Now this in itself might not be anything out of the ordinary, but given that he'd been awake well over 12 hours without a nap, it was incredible. Although the night before he did sleep 13 hours (not without a few wakeups, but only minor ones) which was quite incredible. But anyway he went to bed late and got up not very late this morning so he was tired by early afternoon and actually didn't have to be persuaded to have an afternoon nap for which I was just GRATEFUL.

And while he slept, I tried to make an appointment to see a midwife at some point next week. You wouldn't think that could be difficult, would you? Well, it depends on the new surgery you've registered with giving you the correct name of the place you have to go to. No midwives at the surgery any more. And the reason I couldn't find the place on the internet was because it wasn't called what they told me it was when they gave me the phone number a week ago (which has since been lost in the detritus in my house - so yes, my fault, in the first place). And then the surgery wasn't answering their phone for over an hour. And when I finally got through, and persuaded the receptionist to give me the phone number of the place I was supposed to go to to see a midwife, she still didn't give it it's proper name but at least I had a number. And so I phoned the children and family centre only to find they DIDN'T HAVE THE APPOINTMENT BOOK TODAY. So I have to wait til Monday.

It really really sucks being so exhausted. For the past week when I should have been phoning people to arrange appointments and tell them I've moved doctors and all this stuff, I've just been sick and/or been zombified. And so everything is delayed and my 16 week check which should have been this week (but I couldn't make because I was supposed to be seeing the dental hygienist, which I cancelled because I was feeling so rubbish) but was next week instead is now going to be at least the week after unless they have a cancellation.

Not that it bothers me particularly, because I will be getting enough antenatal checks anyway. It's just the principle of the thing, how much hassle it is just to get to see a community midwife for a routine check.


We got dressed to go swimming. (Well. I did, anyway.) And were a bit late - which seemed to work perfectly for Ben as he had zero time to think about the fact that he was going to be swimming, because as much as he loves swimming, he doesn't much care for the fact that I don't get in the pool with him. He had a good lesson though, lots of swimming, lots of coming to find me and pull me back into the pool room, lots of listening to the teacher, lots of paddle-paddle-paddle kick-kick-kick. Did really really well. I'm so proud of the little swimmer he's becoming.

He had a bath with his daddy this evening and then bedtime cereal with me after that, and asleep very quickly in bed after. Even with an afternoon nap evidently the short sleep last night caught up with him. I won't go into all the everything that left me utterly frazzled. And yet I'm still here waffling instead of going to bed.....

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