
By TrishaR

Sitting Waiting for the Postie

I have been so short of time this week. Cameron and Ben, along with their mum have been ill with the sickness and upset stomach bug for most of the week really, and I have been helping out.

Yesterday at lunchtime I got a call from my daughter, who was ill in bed, along with Ben, to go to school to pick up Cameron who had been sick. The teacher didn't know anything about it, but when she went to investigate, he had been in the toilet cleaning the sick from his shorts. His wee face when he saw me made me sad, he was a bit weepy and very pale. His stomach was cramped and was very sick when arrived at my house.

A day recovering for Cameron today! But poor Ben had a trip to the A&E late afternoon. He fell over and hit his head quite badly and then was violently sick. Luckily, after being checked over, they said fine, but to keep an eye on him.

This picture of Breagha taken at lunchtime is her waiting for the postie. She saw him in the distance. You will also see that our postbox has been ripped from the door. Everytime it goes back on, it gets pulled off. There are also teeth marks on the door. Not such a lovable cute little dog when the postie comes!

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