Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Here's looking at you Reu

The fun times are always about watching the boys together, foils to each other, studying each other's idiosyncrasies, gags and tantrums, being clearly proud of each other's achievements and helping one when the other is struggling. They shift like the sands between mentor and mentee, leader and follower as though their roles of big and little brother were interchangeable.

What happens when you go into Target for a few things for Reuben's LA birthday party (we enjoyed a great one on the day in London thanks to Sarah Mog70's family, cakes and champagne which I'm still to Blip), and come out with a whole cart full of goodies.

A morning with Callum listening to music, watching him gobble up his 4 year old puzzles (that's one of his gifts), eating M&S hot cross buns, making green eggs (hiding peas - he asked where the ham was, sussed my ruse out and the green eggs were duly discarded), dancing around the kitchen together, planning for Reu's education, FBing and doing a spot of much needed cleaning. And the boys slept all afternoon, no doubt on account of the later nights they've been getting whilst I've been struggling to get them both into bed.

A good day...

Techy: pp in Aperture with one of my homemade b/ws. I did want Reu in the shot too but it was too shallow and he was too blown out to mend. The car with a view facing North light is a rather delicious addition I thought.

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