Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Light Work

Another day outfit hunting. SWMBO seems to have settled on one of two outfits and is going to see if it can be sourced in the States. If so then she will get my brother to send it out and cut costs.

I liked the lamp in todays shop.

I went and had a look at my pictures in the gallery in Dunbar today. They look good Giclee printed on a textured paper (even though I say so myself).

I also heard the very bad news that the lifeboat broke its mooring in the storm on Friday and has been written off after smashing itself on the rocks - so that means another £1 million is needed to replace it.................

PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY no matter where you are ......... these guys risk their lives on a volentary basis to save others and they need the best gear to do it

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