
By themarshman


Really proud of George today. It was his class assembly this morning. As usual he had told us nothing about what he was doing, although we knew had at least one line. The theme was Mary Poppins.

A Mum at the school was bragging in the playground that her son had the "main part" eg the chimney sweep. Her kid always gets the "main part". Anyway, watching the assembly it turns out, although he was dressed up as a chimney sweep, he only had a few lines.

In a surprise, George had loads of parts; he read a few lines, he acted as Michael in a scene where they jumped into a picture and had lines, he read a full poem with a class mate, and then he danced around like a bubble.

His teacher has really brought him out of himself and it will be with sadness that he moves up to a new teacher in September, but for today I am so proud of him and we went out to Pizza Hut to celebrate, so this is a picture of the little man with his Mum.

And up yours to the "Hyacinth Bucket" Mum who likes to brag.

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