Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

I miss my Daddy.

'Bay-dar' aka Radar is missing Mr G something awful.

I had a terrible night sleep last night as 'Bay-dar' started to bay around 12.40am and finally gave up around 1.30am.

Nothing I did could persuade her to stop.

In a fuddle this morning I text my beloved that his 'spoilt puppy' was causing me grief.

This was my message. "Help me. I'm so tired I put on my sunnies instead of my specs when I got up this morning." - true.

This was his reply[ "Oh dear. Never mind soon be the weekend."


If you hadn't left, Claire and I would have had a decent sleep last night!

If you are reading this Mr G, look out for a doggy parcel in the post.

(and you can read into that anyway you like)

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