Seed potato->Potato->Potato seed->Potato.

Last year the "S.A.S." got special mention, in the form of my South American Spuds.

I'd never seen double flowers on spuds before ... they got blipped.
I'd never seen bright red spuds with big white patches on ... they got blipped.
I may even have blipped the fruits thereof.

This year we were in Cornwall for 10 days. Upon return, the weeds had made a bid to conquer the world (Well. MY bit of it anyroad.)

So far as I was aware I'd composted all the healthy haulms, which are still in there somewhere.

While weed blitzing I spotted what looked like baby taty plants up at this end where taties hadn't been, so I weeded all the weeds and left these.
Sure enough ... SPUD plantlets, with attendant "volunteer" garlic, so I think I'll thin 'em a bit and see what transpires.

There was a young fellow called Plato,
at gardening he was just greato.
He dug, and he dug, and he slew every slug,
so he got the biggest potato.


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