northern monkeys

By scotchlass

Gardeners world 2011

Today has been spent at the NEC in Birmingham at the Gardeners world live show.

Have spent a little bit of money and brought a few plants home with me, well it would have been rude not to.
The picture shows a thistle like plant called Ernigum - big blue with Ladybird poppies in the back ground.
Over in the main flower marquee i have managed to capture the photo of Fernatrix owner, where i bought a plant called Oceans Fury.
bought some more chrysanthemums and agapanthus.
i had my eye on this lovely Protea, but they didnt have any at the show.

Outside i managed to capture Toby Buckland and Bryher (diary of a scilly cow) who has also posted here, and later on my friend and neighbour was hijacked by Carol Klien who wanted a closer look at a plant she was carrying seen here

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