Mainichi no Kioku

By saki


This is my very first momentum entry. Not well taken. I suck so much in taking motion shots! T_T

I finally went for unicycling tonight! It has been almost 5 years since I last went to practice, haha! And miraculously, I still managed to ride an unicycle! My sister said I did better than the time when I left. LOL!

Such a tiring day! I went shopping for shoes with my sister, then to a blogshop launch and then for unicycle practice. My body is gonna shatter soon...

I tried staying up for the eclipse last night, but it was too cloudy to even spot the moon!!! T_T

Helping out at an event tomorrow! Hope it will be nice. :D


P.s: This is unicycle hockey by the way. It really fun as you ride on the unicycle and chase after the tennis ball. HAHA! I used to be the goalkeeper!

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