Life Slips By

By Cider12


I knew there were muskrats living in the pond across the street, but I did not know that there were beavers, too!!

I was standing on a low retaining wall, off the beaten path, taking photos of waterlilies when I suddenly spotted this face lumbering alongside the wall. He didn't see me until he was just under me and then he froze for a good two minutes. If he had wanted, he could have gotten up on his hind legs and attacked my feet, he was so close...

I must have been non-threatening because he ambled on, displaying his tail in its full glory. I followed behind him until he slipped into the pond and I figured that was the end of that, but a second later I saw this checking me out from the safety of the other side of the pond. Guess he wasn't used to people in his space.

And since it appears that you are not a true blipper until you've taken a bee shot, here is my bee on a daisy.

Thank you SO much for all the comments and favorites yesterday! I am thoroughly--how is it you say in the UK?--chuffed!

379 views, 113 comments, 179 stars, 10 favorites, and 5 new subs...and still no spotlight page. The mystery deepens....

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