Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff

Oh great.

Or not.

Not only have I apparently lost (or misplaced...) my "good" stethoscope (this is a cheap crappy one), but I also seem to have pretty bad arrhythmia.

I think it's due to a migraine preventive that I have been taking for several weeks now, but it seems to be getting worse. It is bad enough to make me gasp for air and cough at times.

I had been ignoring it until now, but I just auscultated my heart for a few minutes and about every third beat was an extrasystole or skipped (for all non-medical folks: that's not good). And my pulmonary stenosis sounds worse too :-(

I was so happy that the drug was actually able to control my migraines (I went from 1-2 per week to zero in a matter of days), and now it is giving me a hard time with this.

There always seems to be something....

P.S.: Note to Mom: Don't freak out. I'll be fine ;-)

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