Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Alan Shearer eat your heart out!

At the end of season presentation evening for his football club Hugo came away with a clutch of goodies.

Top goalscorer! Having only played eleven matches all season due to badminton commitments he scored 23 goals, he made 5 hatricks and is very proud to be able to say a higher scoring ratio than Alan Shearer.

He walked away with this huge golden boot award so he is a very happy bunny.

It was a good laugh going to the presentation evening, I have been going to them now for eleven years. The first one I ever attended I was the u/7's manager - it was a shock then, now I'm used to it. They always take too long!

The lads are now so much bigger but they don't change much. The amusing thing is when the girls u16 team went up to collect their awards the boys were silent - a picture of rapt attention! It was all the parents who were giggling at the back!

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