My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

They do love eachother


sorry its a late one just busy and the days seem to pass so fast and also my comouter is playing up and keeps crashing in my photoshop CS5 i go to add my textures and everything just freezes :( also say low RAM so looks like my comps dying on me not good.

Well anyway here is a photo of my munchkins with a little touch of flutters lol they do love eachother so much and fight like nothing else but they would never be without eachother and they make me laugh eveyday love them. I took so many pics on the way home aswell but wanted to show a lovely moment between them again, sorry...

Thankyou for letting me share my life and thankyou for taking interest, i will always try and comment but being a mummy sometimes keeps me away but i will always try.

vicky. xxxxxxx

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