Portrait of the Boy

It's been a while since I did a portrait type blip of Ben. Soft dull lighting and Ben transfixed by the Gruffalo on DVD gave me the perfect opportunity - apart from the detritus in the background... Here's a couple more. The muck on his chin is chocolate mallow teacake!! We have eaten some rubbish today. Macaroni cheese for tea tonight, got to have something other than rubbish at some point today.

I so didn't want to get up this morning. So so tired. Possibly overdid it yesterday. But at least I haven't felt sick today, just shattered. We made it out to Little Fishes eventually, late, so we missed out on drinks and biscuits. Ben played with all his friends which was nice, not just one. I just sat on the floor with a friend and her baby girl, chatting about this and that - we've not seen each other for a while, and it was nice that her older daughter (who is a week younger than Ben) remembered who I was and was playing with me and with Ben!

Came home, fixed Ben up with a juice re-fill, a bowl of cereal, some brioche, stuck Cars on the DVD player, and went to bed.

Managed two and a half hours in bed but hunger is a bummer in these situations and it was hunger rather than Ben that forced me out eventually. (Not helped by Ben waking me up constantly and making me aware of said hunger.) Poor Ben. He's not really had much of a mummy today. I feel so guilty at times like these. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, we have nothing planned, nothing that requires us to be up and out by a certain time. We can do some painting in the morning maybe. Or sticking. Or something more fun than me just moping around.

Missed Ben's preschool Open Day today. Had a quick look in my diary when I woke up at half past two, just to check I wasn't missing any appointments or anything. Really irritated I missed that, I was actually looking forward to going, to have a proper chat to his keyworker, to see how his Learning Journal is progressing. I guess I can make an appointment any time really... ah well. Never mind. Body needed the sleep.

Now I've got some photos to dig out and edit a bit and print off, and see if I can get the other half of this display board done and dusted ready for Saturday. And tonight there are no meetings to go to, just dinner to make and Ben to put to bed (which he ought to go to fairly early given he's not had a sleep today) and to see my husband who it feels like I've not seen properly in ages! Did you see his blip of me and Ben this morning? It made me smile when I woke up and discovered it :) I was aware of Ben assuming the "crash" position, he was very definitely copying me and then fell asleep like that; but I wasn't aware of hubby taking any pictures! He does look after us in the mornings though, for which I am so very grateful. xx

Edit: Oh yeah, I have backblipped the last few days, filling in gaps from when I've been too shattered to blip :0) Here's looking forward to having a bit more energy!

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