Funny Face

What happened today.......

Steve on PA, so I drove to church; Ben wanted to go to creche but when we got there he decided he actually wanted to go to church. So we went back. Then he wanted to go back to creche. I convinced him to stay by telling him truthfully that I needed to go and get my food before I was poorly, and that I'd be back soon. Gave me a kiss and said 'bye... And I stayed in the main meeting. And it was good. And at the end when they started singing again I went and stood next to Ali who had a ribbon. And she put the ribbon in my hand and I danced :) and it felt gooooood :)

And then it was a long wait while the PA was packed down, and then home and food and collapse and watch the rain delay the GP and eventually I went off to a prayer meeting about our toddler group and God was there and it was a good meeting.

Psalm 103...
Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name.

And home to find the GP had been amazingly good viewing once it finally started, and Ben still awake, and collapse into bed....

If anything else happened I may or may not write it down but this is Ben's funny face that he pulls which made me giggle :) No big camera out today sadly.

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