Urban fox
The pigeons love stealing bits of him for nesting material!
I work in the building across the river from this piece of art. It's the building with the clock on it that says I have five minutes to cross Waterloo Bridge and get to my desk, so why am I stopping to photograph a fox! Blip almost made me late.
I went to my council's open space consultation about its library service this evening. I didn't actually get to meet any councillors or decision makers since the consultation was run by an independent group that reports back to the committee. It felt a bit of a brush-off, but the people there were all passionate about libraries and tried to shout as loud as they could. I hope we did our bit. Our main points were that the council should invest in libraries as a community resource rather than run them down to the ground. Plus they need librarians without whom the wealth of information in the libraries couldn't be so smoothly navigated and the librarians put in many hours of book group time and organising events. However, we learned that many librarians in the borough had already been given notice of redundancy and our discussion this evening wouldn't alter that. Sigh.
I can't actually go to my local library. Some [insert bad word here] thieves stole the copper roof, again. That's at least three times the roof has been stolen in as many years. With the recent heavy rainfall, the library flooded, ruining stock, carpets, electrics, the works. It's closed until the building has been made safe again. Couldn't the council have installed security cameras (after the first or second roof theft) or asked officers to patrol the area more? Surely that would be less expensive than kitting out a whole library for the umpteenth time, both inside and out.
The [insert bad word here] thieves also stole the lead from the cemetery chapel roof and that flooded, too. Big GRRRRRR.
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