This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

today was the day

I woke up early... (what's new)

I spoke to the artist across the ocean and decided that I had enough of myself as a non painter... the miniature flashcards are great and I love looking at our "question of chemistry" series in my studio, but it's time to get busy on my new series. I made it to the studio by seven a.m. I have to admit it felt a little lonely in there again but I just kept myself busy. I worked until ten o'clock cleaning and sorting things but more importantly I ordered supplies for these next works (bye bye money- gulp!).

I then ran some errands, mailed some paintings, got a fantastic book at the library and returned to the studio an hour later. Another short break was had, with more happy talking. Then I had to focus and return to the paintings. These two works you see here are just the beginning, the baby steps to my new series. These are under paintings, like a slip under a dress not everyone should see, but here you are.

They have both already changed quite a bit since I took the picture. For eight hours I listened to music, jumped up and down and remembered what it felt like to be a painter, what it felt like to be alive.


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