A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

The Loch, Portree and The Storr

This evening I struggled up through a felled forest in the hope of reaching a suitable viewpoint. I didn't get as high as I had hoped but maybe the view would not have been any better.

As you can see the view is northwards across Loch Portree, over the town of Portree and to the Storr. Unfortunately the sky had become overcast by the time I reached my vantage point. But still the view is reasonable.

The midges were horrendous! I smothered myself in 'Skin so Soft' by Avon which the midges do not like. Welkl frankly I don't either. Still it is the lesser of the two evils, Deet being the other.

Well, I'm off for a shower.
All the best,

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