All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Don't you just hate it when that happens. You're driving along the motorway when you hear a loud "c-r-a-c-k". And then this crack appears in front of you and starts working its way up the windscreen. Another £100 about to bite the dust to get it replaced. That's the 5th windscreen in 2 years but what makes this worse is it's our new car that we've only had a few weeks. Ouch!

I stopped off at the supermarket after work, so didn't get home till nearly 6pm. When I got in, I found hubbie had already fed and bathed Ethan and was getting him ready for bed, despite it being so early. Apparently although Ethan had been a wee angel at nursery, he had tantrums galore at home, so hubbie was at his wits end! I sat and read books with Ethan for half an hour, then put him in his cot but it was clearly too early. After another half hour of yells and screams, hubbie took him back to our room. Two more bottles of milk later and Ethan was sound asleep, but by now it was 8pm! What a battle!

(Forgot to mention in my blip yesterday that every day I'm discovering Ethan understands more and more things. He can now point to his nose or my nose if I ask where it is. And tummy buttons too! And he gets many of the animals in his books right too, not just the mouse in the "that's not my ...." books! He gets so excited when he gets it right and claps his hands in delight. So cute!)

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