Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Crime and Punishment - Manifesto Day 2

I think today I'll keep it a little shorter for two reasons.

1: Yesterday was tooooooo long.
2: I'm not right wing but I desperately don't want to be labelled as such either. Don't believe me? Tomorrow is British pride and it doesn't involve driving anyone who isn't Anglo Saxon from our shores.

Anyway crime and punishment. I'll bullet point I think to try and make it an easier read.

* Money to be spent on prisons building: More walls, more bars, more wardens.

* Crimes against the vulnerable (children, the elderly, mentally ill etc) to have the mandatory sentence doubled immediately.

* Sex crimes such as rape against the vulnerable to carry an immediate life sentence.

* A 'three strikes and you're out' rule meaning the first two crimes you commit we attempt rehabilitation. On the third strike the sentence is trebled to reflect that lack of rehabilitation.

*Bring back the death penalty in cases of absolute certainty. I know the lefties won't agree with this, but why should our taxes pay for the likes of Huntley to be housed at her majestys pleasure? Since the abolition in the 60's DNA evidence has progressed at a rate where certain cases (at a judges discretion) could carry the rope without fear of a miscarraige of justice. A James Hanratty or Derek Bentley case would not happen in todays society.

* Those who live outside the law can not be expected to be protected from it. Break in someones house, terrorise their family and then get a beating on the way out? Tough. Shouldn't have been there in the first place.

* Harsher sentences for crimes against fashion, such as Lady Gaga being banned from our shores.

*Everyone in Grimsby to be tagged so we can see where they travel to and identify crime waves before thay happen.

* Legalise Cannabis and Ecstacy. This is a very unpopular and un-right wing view I feel. Studies have proven that both cannabis and ecstacy have less of an impact on a persons health then alcohol and tobacco: yet they are still prohibited. Why? Dodgy dealers, no knowledge of where they've come from etc: These are probelms created by the black market. By legaliseing and controlling these two substances we can adequately monitor their contents, sales and reap the profits such an endeavour would bring. Look at The Netherlands as an example of what happens when you do decriminalise certain drugs: not social anarchy, not a breakdown of society. Life continues, with a more placid populuos.

In short I am in favour of the innocent people of this country once again feeling protected by the law of the land. Nobody should feel like a prisoner in their own homes and nobody should feel they cannot walk their streets at night. There are areas of this country where a woman feels unsafe out and about during DAYLIGHT hours. How is this fair? Why do we tolerate houses being burgled whilst we are out at work? I myself was a victim of this: out working and someone breaks into my home and takes my Playstation (2, not the really old one).

Cheers to everyone who took part in yesterdays challenge: I'l award my favourite later. Remember if you do Crime and Punishment please tag Gaz Challenge so I can see ya pics :)

(I'm also aware the average hoodie mugger doesn't have a white shirt on under his hoodie, and probably doesn't use a kitchen potato peeling knife either. Mind you he probably wouldn't be sporting that limited edition £35 NY cap (genuine, not counterfeit), but if he did want one (100's of designs available) he'd probably just contact me to look at my extensive stocks. I don't colelct them, they fell into my possession a year ago and I've just let them cool before knocking them on. Crime and punishment people.

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