
By Frontier


A pathetically obvious title but one that's bolstered with such simplicity for the moment. I'm not a particularly religious person, nor do I have any hatred towards it as it seems pointless to do so. Because it's just a state of mind and even more fruitless to tell people that they hate any kind of religion or religion in general, it's annoying once again when people are being forced to listen to anti-religious rhetoric and vice-versa. The privileges of being brought up in a liberal household, I suppose.

Why bring it up? Some of my closest friends and loved ones are going through really tough times. Not the kind of tough that's solvable through laborious practice or processes, but the kind that simply cannot be solved without resorting to extreme, socially unacceptable, morally questionable (whichever codes you abide by) circumstances.

It is impossible and I'm helpless to help. I'm galavanting in a country and wasting my time "searching for myself" while there are problems. But I can't help. I can't help because it can't be solved, and even though a small word or two of comfort may feel nice, it doesn't really do anything. It only offers empty reassurance.

But when the impossible seems impossible but must be crossed, the only thing you can do is hope and pray. The empty reassurance, the power of the heart, the power of belief can quite possibly pull you forward. It will not magically solve problems or cause miracles, but can get you into a positive state of mind. To expect a miracle and be angry when you don't get it is just pathetically stupid. To not be thankful for the circumstances and blame someone or something, ie. whatever god or religion, is just a waste of time.

It's sometimes the only way to feel positive.

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