Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

A panacea for all ills

Sorry that it's yet more of the same but having a day straight from Beelzebub's bum and needed a cloud fix to cure me. Lovely, lovely fluffy things, ok, it's not my best shot and not my best cropping but as I nearly had my first Blip miss today I think this is better than a blank screen!! It made me smile anyway.

Still in comment overdraft :as soon as I sort out all the housework I will be right with you ( me sort out all my housework? So that'll be 2075 then and I will be 104 years old!!). Looking forward to catching up with all your journals later.

I hope to be back in the land of being chirpy and writing nonsensical stuff for my journal tommorow ( I say this like today's one has been straight laced and sensible ...)

Happy Monday you all

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