Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Rest and recovery

Today I woke up half expecting to be unable to move. I was pleasantly surprised. Other than the arch of my foot (which has been sent to the naughty step for misbehaving and therefore we're not talking about) and a bit of tightness in my shins, I really feel pretty good. I'm stiff but not aching. I think I may have finally nailed this marathon game after all.

They told us it takes two weeks to fully recover from a marathon. Once that recovery time is over, I'm going to go and see a podiatrist or a chiropodist (anyone know the difference between them?). At some stage during training for each of the marathons I have done, the arch of my foot has started giving me problems. This time it was agony, like walking on razorblades for most of the way. Unfortunately I forget about it and the next marathon comes along and then I get a painful reminder. I figure if I get it looked at when it's still very fresh in my mind they may be able to suggest a way of stopping it or reducing the pain and inflamation when it does happen.

If anyone has a few pennies spare that they would like to donate to this worthwhile cause they may do so here

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