La vida de Annie

By Annie

Gaz Challenge

I just happen to have a set of borrowed NHS crutches handy so this is my entry for the Gaz Challenge. I'm not sure if the prize is £10 or some nearly-empty antidepressant foils, but either or both would be welcome...

I can't complain about my recent dealings with the NHS, as they provided free state-of-the-art orthopaedic surgery involving inserting much ironmongery and staples. The paramedics and nursing staff are complete heroes and the doctors are ok too if they can get their heads out of their own ar*es for long enough to recognise that the patient is a human being also. Apologies to the many docs out there who aren't pricks patronising individuals.

PS: if you go large you can see how tall I am, or more accurately aren't.

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