
It was a very quiet day today with the only thing needed to be done was the watching of three DVD's that had to be back this evening.
It is actually quite exhausting watching films back-to-back, so we only managed to watch two of them. The only other thing I did today was to poison flick with an overdose of mustard.
I like to make up fresh batches of mustard with powder and water, but in this instance during a pause in one of the films, I did it a bit too quickly and managed to make it a bit lumpy.
One of these undiluted lumps found its way into flick's hot-dog, and its ingestion was heralded by a huge screech emanating from a very red faced woman who when I looked was trying to drink the contents of the flower vase.
She was not best pleased, accusing me of trying to poison her, deaf to the retort that if I wanted to poison her properly I wouldn't be using mustard.
She later calmed down, threatening revenge at some future time, and complaining that her taste-buds have been nuked.

Ed's cooking Moroccan Eggs tonight with extra hot chilli powder.
That should finish the job.

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